Topic - Algorithm
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- Topic Starter sureshgani - Posted on Friday, December 14 2007 12:56:12 AM
Hi all, This is Suresh Gani, I'm using this Mplayer for Audio/Video in our project, But some timing overhead is there. So we have to optimize the code as much as possible to overcome the same. Please suggest me where I can get the Algorithm of mplayer code,if you have it please attach to this topic....
Thanking you
Suresh Gani
- Thunder - Posted on Friday, December 14 2007 09:19:04 AM
- there no such code and if there was you have to pay for it and it would costs millons :) cheaper and better to use your own code plus voice is o much better now days the old mplayer.dll audio is old ...
- ms1441 - Posted on Friday, December 14 2007 03:08:44 PM
Are you talking about MPlayer - the cross-platform media player? Or Mplayer - the multi-player/user voice/video/gaming client/server?
If you mean the media player, you can get the source code at
If you mean the voice/video stuff, you're better off writing it yourself or hiring someone to write it.