Topic - LiVVe / Fpath
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- Topic Starter JustMe - Posted on Monday, December 1 2008 01:42:23 AM
Ive read a lot of the posts that have been made here and i've seen a lot of BS towards each "side" ...
The point im trying to make is; Im interested in starting my own community but would rather purchase software and develop that instead of start from scratch.
Ive looked at Fpath and it seems ok, although ive sent a few emails to them and am still waiting for any kind of reply.
Can someone explain to me the workings behind Fpath and tell me if there is any other "community software" available for me to look into / purchase.
Thanks in advance.
- Digg - Posted on Monday, December 1 2008 04:59:57 AM
No legitimate company is selling a potential gold mine. If just purchasing a gaming community were that simple, Gamespy would've licensed out theirs a long time ago. On top of that, if you did purchase one, it's highly unlikely to be tailored to suit you.
Let's be straight forward, none of the current available applications have the technical ability nor the look to work in a large market. All the apps around here are niche markets with 100 users or so. Even by today's standards, mplayer wouldn't last... It's ok though, the more communities that pop up, the more watered down the entire deal becomes.
We all know what happens when you flood the market with essentially the same product....
- jakethesnake - Posted on Tuesday, December 2 2008 05:25:57 AM
Digg is right. Don't expect to make large amount of money with fpath software. I have been to plenty of sites that run fpath software. None of them are any good. If you're just going to run it to have fun I guess it's ok.
You're better off writing your own code.
I am done with these livve/mplayer wanna be sites. I will just hang on irc.
- Fpath - Posted on Tuesday, December 2 2008 01:28:24 PM
If we do nothing right ..we always answer emails and phone calls! please use this email [email protected]
As for people succeeding with the fpath is totally up to the "licensed buyer" what he or she does with the software. "Not everyone has the business savvy or money to succeed" In fact very few people have a solid market strategy before that get the software. Most of the people we license the software to have no idea what they are doing! Most of them get the software for "power" to be the boss and that is ok with us! lol
The source code license is now offered with software, this means you can take this software to the next level if you have "The money and business savvy" If you listen to others on this site that continue to put down the software and use "IRC a hackers dream" then you don't need a fpath branded package. The fact is most people want things for free and handed to them with no work required. Those who have witnessed sites that fail are talking about multi sites with the same "livve crowd" The key is coming up with an idea and making your own community. anyone can make a paypal page and ask for donations for there site lol.
One thing is fpr sure !! we have sold to many people and companies only a small % of the our buyers have been from the "livve crowd"! The only advise i can give is ..If you want to succed "and the sky is the limit" do not market to the same "livve crowd" as many others have. if you have 50 ex livve users that float around with multi- names to five different sites that have the same 50 users you will fail and you cant blame that on Fpath. If you are in this just for the fun and not the money then none of this matters.
Steve Blevins
[email protected]
Most of the people I have sold to in the "livve crowd" have needed my help to get started..I did not charge them for that, as soon as I stop helping then I'm the bad guy.
again get a strategy together and go after the "cash" not the user that's what I did! I was just like the people that buy from me when I started.
And for god sakes don't copy a site with 100 cheap flash game rooms that nobody uses.
- Fpath - Posted on Tuesday, December 2 2008 02:00:18 PM
Games: You can search for game companies on the net to create you "custom branded games" flash or Linux. Unfortunately this will cost you out the ying yang, just to give you an idea one single spades package may cost $3000.00 to 30,000.00 and if the spades community "don't like the software or the person who ran the community" then they will leave and use another source and you are out the game money! and most game companies only trade advertise with you "free game" if you have over 10,000 users active.
Attitude: If you are going to run any community you need to be fair to all people even problem users! If you come of as a ban freak people will leave and you will fail. If you have a million users like mplayer did
*&^%$#@ then problem users become a source of income $$$$$$ because people love drama it worked for livve for a little while and bombed because they did not have the crowd mplayer did. that is why livve had so
many helpers because they new the livve helpers would cause drama and people love that. but when you have more helpers than users it don't work.
I was a Sage,Wizard & Enforcer on Mplayer USA from the beta period 1996 until close 1999.
I was the Big Wiz for Mplayer-Europe. 1999-2000
I was a livve Help and business side Tech. 2000-2003
My experience from all of this is, people love drama & power and my strategy was to sell that to them.
Come up with a marketing strategy and you can make money with the Fpath software!
I did.
[email protected]
- Digg - Posted on Tuesday, December 2 2008 10:51:08 PM
- I think that's the most competent thing I've read from fpath since they started spamming this board. It's true none of the groups that have purchased the FPath software have any clue what they are doing and are trying to cater to a dwindling crowd that only cares about spades. I don't have anything against this crowd, but don't expect to pay your bills off it. As for the cost of producing games, well it depends on the game. A generic spades system (non-flash) can go for a few hundred dollars on rentacoder where as something large like a base FPS could go for thousands...its all relative to the size of the project.
- JustMe - Posted on Wednesday, December 3 2008 01:24:21 AM
Thank you for your reply, i have resent my email to [email protected]
I look forward to your reply
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 3 2008 03:55:55 AM
Now this is funny no work required running an IRC server? What are you sniffing glue? lol
Your software is failure from the start. Don't you wonder why Mplayer never made any money? Why does Paltalk make money? If you do your homework first maybe some of the people that buy your software would make some profit.
Obviously you can't read the forum rules.
"No commercial advertisements of any kind. This includes web sites that don't pertain to the topic."
- Fpath - Posted on Wednesday, December 3 2008 04:31:22 AM
Dude i don't feel the need to attack you because I know you have no clue what you are talking about..Mplayer making no money???? Maybe you should ask PalTalk where they got the system they use now!lol from a little old company called
Hear Me.. Maybe you should read this link before you run your keyboard.
Mark the owner of this site worked for Mplayer as him if they made any Money. lol
If you are going to bash do it with facts.
Happy holidays
- Fpath - Posted on Wednesday, December 3 2008 04:37:48 AM
Dude i don't feel the need to attack you because I know you have no clue what you are talking about..Mplayer making no money???? Maybe you should ask PalTalk where they got the system they use now!lol from a little old company called
Hear Me.. Maybe you should read this link before you run your keyboard.
Mark the owner of this site worked for Mplayer as him if they made any Money. lol
If you are going to bash do it with facts.
Happy holidays
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 3 2008 06:19:52 PM
Despite this, the company had been losing money, $11.9 million in 1998 alone,[16] and by late 1999, had yet to break even.[15] MPath was forced to look toward different venues. Proprietary technologies that were developed as features for MPlayer, known internally as POP.X, were later licensed to third parties. This was meant to help other companies create their own internet communities using existing technology. Third parties that licensed this technology included companies like Electronic Arts and Fujitsu.[17] HearMe, the internal audio chat feature in MPlayer that was later split off, eventually accounted for 50% of all of the company's revenues.[5]
And Paltalk actually makes a profilt. who are you kidding? LOL
Go and do your homework and think. there is a reason why paltalk makes a profit and I won't tell you why. :P
- un4givenchat - Posted on Saturday, December 6 2008 10:13:00 AM
Are you ready for the revolution of new chat?
Flash chat is here.Gchats Visichat is a live video chat community that connects you with people
from around the world. Connecting is easy with public and private chat rooms. With breakthrough
video and voice technology which gives you a real and natural experience.
- PILMAN - Posted on Thursday, December 18 2008 02:42:05 PM
I can't say much for chat programs although I started using Mplayer in mid 1997 when they used that cool gizmo client.
I'm in the web industry and competition is rough, it takes a lot of creativity and something to be "different" to attract customers.
I would say the chat industry is really no where near what it used to be, sure Paltalk exists and Yahoo chat exists, but I think that most users prefer messengers that are already well established (like MSN, AIM, Yahoo) or chat programs that contain a large enough community to keep people attracted to it (Paltalk).
Other programs keep a niche like Skype that use clear audio of some sort, customer base isn't easy i'm sure for chats unless your doing something unique or integrating that system into something with an already established community.
If I recall, Mplayer started off as a P2P gaming network and wasn't so much as focused on chatting but rather that the chat system was a platform before the host would launch the game. Mplayer also had good marketing as they partnered with a lot of the game studios like West Wood (Red Alert), I used their inhouse client and then saw on the back of the box that they had recommended . There was also software on the CD to install Mplayer which is how I found out about it.
Obviously gamers were attracted to it, so Mplayer had the community they needed, and sometimes (just like forums), gamers want a place to hang out and chat, so most of us went to the teen chat or those of us who were adults went to the adult lobbies.
When Mplayer-Europe came about, a few people hopped over who were diehard mplayer fans, and then when mplayer died, some of us went to Livve because we liked the interface of Mplayer and it was the closest thing to Mplayer, the lack of community compared to Mplayer and games made it somewhat boring to me and it was mainly a older crowd.
Paltalk was really the closest thing to me in terms of community like Mplayer although it still doesn't compare. I never did like Paltalks interface when I joined in 2001 and always felt like they were milking old technology to it's max.
Lets face it, you pay somewhere along the lines of 60 dollars a year if I recall for Paltalk and your lucky to get a camera that is 20 frames per second and average sound quality. Most people hang about paltalk because of it's community though and a lot of folks from Yahoo hopped over because they were sick of the sexbots. Also paltalk really boosted their membership when celebrities and opie & anthony, few other guys started broadcasting shows and they were able to market paltalk.
Paltalk has also always had very strong political rooms, computer tech rooms, and a good community that came over when Firetalk died.
I think that is the key, "established" community, all these chat programs started somewhere. They probably started with a small following of close friends or associates who recommended family members and other friends, some took off, others did not. From personal opinion though, I think that chat rooms are really changing direction, I think that things are starting to become more static (think youtube, myspace, facebook) or they are turning into metaverses (Second Life, Playstation Home, There).
I think there is still a market for just regular ol text and voice chat, but things are going to have to change to attract new users. I would love something like youtube with HD quality video, but allow members to comment in voice and chat on the fly rather than a static comment system, then again, people are becoming more lazy nowadays to actually download a piece of software on their computer. It's more convenient to the end user with little to know hassle if they can just go to the site without installing anything.
- Fpath - Posted on Saturday, February 21 2009 05:28:19 PM
I have to agree "things change"
Again, Fpath is no corporate company like Mplayer or Pal-Talk was and is. I enjoy pal-talk's politcal rooms! some fun ass shit..I can really do without the sex rooms.
Fpath was created by the user for the user so that people could start a chat community with custom rules. We have done very well and I think our next version will be very competitive gearing toward windows 7. Chat systems will always have downtimes,bugs and so on.. but most of the problems people have are caused by them not knowing what they are doing.
We have now have a partnership with another company to have a game laucher via the room for action games and as I said our new version due fall of 2009 "Fpath Global v1.0" will be the best yet.