Topic - Media controls on keyboard

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Topic Starter anonymous - Posted on Thursday, October 13 2005 07:23:00 PM

Does anyone know how to get the media keys on a keyboard such as play, stop, previous and next to control mplayer? I'm using a M$ Natural Multimedia keyboard, Mandrake 10.2 and mplayer 1.0pre6-3.4.3.
<br/>Thanx in advance,
<br/>Swade <img src="" alt=":zz:" title="zz" longdesc="" height="23" width="25" />

anonymous - Posted on Saturday, October 22 2005 03:49:00 AM

Well, as it turned out I figured this out on my own in a round about sort of way.
<br/>I used KDExc5x9b ability to map hotkeys to shell commands. I wrote a small family of shell scripts that output control commands for each media button to a named pipe or fifo. I wrote a small script to start mplayer and instruct it to read commands from the named pipe in addition to standard input.
<br/>I wasnxc2xb4t able to map all the media keys. There were conflicts with Kmix picking up volume commands. But pause, open media player, next, prev and stop all work now.

adeel - Posted on Tuesday, October 30 2007 12:57:24 PM
the media keys on a keyboard such as play, stop, previous and next to control mplayer?
the keys 4
play is spacebar n p
stop is escape
previous and next work on playlist only
previous is shift comma (the &lt; button)
next is shift dot ( the &gt; button)
By the way what is M$ Natural Multimedia keyboard