Topic - The 'Fight Rooms'

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Topic Starter MachiavellianUK - Posted on Wednesday, September 28 2016 07:30:58 PM

I used quite a few names on Mplayer (June 1999- November 2000).

I used: 'UK Player';'Evil Limey'; 'MachiavellianUK'; ... and a few other names.

It was a very different time, a time when freedom of speech was respected, and people knew what to expect in a '18+' room.

Fight Rooms today would be politically correct and sterile, I'm afraid, but it's nice to reminisce...

Anyway, I now live in the United States, and am married to a wonderful American woman. It's very ironical as I used to be a 'Pompous Brit', and said some rather silly things about the USA (but it was all banter). I used the UK flag as my avatar.

Great times, I've matured somewhat... but I'll always be a kid at heart (I suppose).

"Hello!" to anyone who remembers me!

FightroomLurker - Posted on Wednesday, August 28 2024 02:06:19 AM
Machiavellian!! Wow man! You had the U.K. flag as your avatar icon. I remember you from the fight rooms when I was a young man... you were very intimidating and a good "fighter" in the fight rooms. I used to lurk or sort of troll the fight room especially using profiles "POWERHUMPER" (was sort of trolling POWERMAKER) and some other profiles. Remember BigBadMike, Gatortrap, SinOfFire, Wolfer, Slingblade? All great times. Always remember the olden times, they were GREAT laughs. Cheers bro.