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- Topic Starter anonymous - Posted on Wednesday, August 17 2005 12:12:00 PM
- anonymous - Posted on Thursday, September 1 2005 06:06:00 AM
But remember to start your own livve with fpath, you will need the computers and bandwidth to handle your users. It's only good to those with plenty of money and really isn't in the same realm as MPL. It's like comparing apples and oranges, sure they both have audio/video chats, but MPL is geared towards GamingGamers...etc where as FPath is trying to sell their chat software alone. If you want to buy chat software, go to FPath, if you want on a network to play games join MPL.
<br/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- anonymous - Posted on Monday, March 6 2006 03:07:00 PM
- why not post it here already?
- anonymous - Posted on Friday, August 19 2005 05:28:00 PM
- oops just
- anonymous - Posted on Saturday, March 11 2006 08:32:00 AM
Yes that is what I get too. But it lets you login through the login icon and pulls up the buddy list
<br/>Cant get into any lobbies yet but I would say someone is working on getting it up and running because that had not happened for a LONG time. Over a week.
- anonymous - Posted on Wednesday, August 31 2005 10:25:00 AM
But remember to start your own livve with fpath, you will need the computers and bandwidth to handle your users. It's only good to those with plenty of money and really isn't in the same realm as MPL. It's like comparing apples and oranges, sure they both have audio/video chats, but MPL is geared towards GamingGamers...etc where as FPath is trying to sell their chat software alone. If you want to buy chat software, go to FPath, if you want on a network to play games join MPL.
<br/><a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- anonymous - Posted on Saturday, March 11 2006 12:01:00 AM
- Livve is back
- anonymous - Posted on Sunday, January 8 2006 10:17:00 PM
- it would'nt be so bad if would get out of beta stage and open up to the public
- anonymous - Posted on Friday, August 19 2005 05:24:00 PM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a> is back online... I should have known they wouldn't just simply shut down without warning us . But it makes you wonder why it happened the day that the rumors predicted it to close.
- anonymous - Posted on Friday, March 3 2006 03:51:00 PM
Is this part of the gubment's crackdown on the internet? Is this what we have to look forward to? <sigh> This is why I don't pay for subscriptions to game rooms now. I paid for GameSpy and they split. Now Livve. I'm an old MPlayer spades-aholic. Went under the name of "Feebs17" Anyone ever play with me? If so, please contact me at [email protected] and let's see if we can get some of the old players together on another site. But which one?
- anonymous - Posted on Monday, March 6 2006 05:22:00 PM
Well anonymous, that would be too obvious. lol I started a new thread bc this one is not reaping the answers I am seeking.
<br/>I decided to try to get someone's attention
<br/>I sure hope that is ok.
- anonymous - Posted on Wednesday, August 17 2005 09:16:00 PM
- gone for good
- anonymous - Posted on Thursday, August 18 2005 06:07:00 PM
seems like livve is taking our money and running just like mplayer did....but dont worry folks i'm sure they have another site about ready to open wonder how much this one will want for a supposed lifetime for me i'm done paying. Stan and the rest of the gang have gotten their last dime from me and as far as that goes cases too why have a diamond account thats useless....<img src="" alt=":zz:" title="zz" longdesc="" height="23" width="25" />
- anonymous - Posted on Sunday, August 21 2005 09:44:00 AM
Or better yest Start your own livve go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- anonymous - Posted on Monday, March 6 2006 12:31:00 PM
I have their telephone#.
<br/>Who wants it?
<br/>(this one actually works)
<br/><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>
- anonymous - Posted on Saturday, March 4 2006 01:28:00 PM
<div class="cquote"><div class="codeHeader">max wrote:</div><blockquote>It is true we are not affiliated with LiVVe in anyway, shape, or form. We have been talking and we're thinking of giving away Free 3 month Trial plus accounts to those LiVVE users that can show proof of purchase of a lifetime account...etc. We're discussing it and will make an annoucement on the main page.</blockquote></div><br/>
<br/>Directly from post on <a href="" target="_blank"></a> forums. According to this they are trying to help out any wayward Livve users...dunno if it will work out, but at least someone is doing something.
- anonymous - Posted on Thursday, March 2 2006 11:11:00 PM
- It's the internet I believe. Tons of sites and datacenters aren't responding.
- anonymous - Posted on Thursday, August 18 2005 11:17:00 PM
Well! Im not happy i think you (the owners) owe the members an explianation. Such a horror story and its getting old. We all use to wonder what lifetime membership ment? Now tell me what did it mean? At least I think you should post so we dont sit here with a thought it may come back. Why would we ever believe it would come back. I dont know with thiefs in the dark like you. As for my friends you can find me on .As Marianne. Also i am on MSN, yahoo, paltalk. Although i dont frequent yahoo or paltalk. <img src="" alt=":love:" title="love" longdesc="" height="29" width="22" />
- anonymous - Posted on Thursday, August 18 2005 04:41:00 PM
I heard closed the doors for good as of August 17th 2005. What in heck do we mplayer/LIvVE folks do now? I do know there is no accessing LIVvE or or livve via the web ( backdoor ) <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ........... we got nothing but rumors warning us. Now we have to find our friends again like when mplayer closed. At least mplayer gave us 5 or 6 months advance notice. Livve just went offline with no warning. The rumors had been going around every since it was opened so nobody paid any attention to it.
<br/>(I was a charter member of Livve since Dec 2000 )<img src="" alt=":disgust:" title="disgust" longdesc="" height="19" width="19" />
- anonymous - Posted on Sunday, August 21 2005 09:44:00 AM
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- anonymous - Posted on Saturday, March 11 2006 02:52:00 AM
- I just went to the site and got that parked domain again.
- anonymous - Posted on Wednesday, August 31 2005 06:30:00 PM
Get <a href="" target="_blank"></a> software ..or go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- anonymous - Posted on Monday, March 6 2006 05:22:00 PM
Well anonymous, that would be too obvious. lol I started a new thread bc this one is not reaping the answers I am seeking.
<br/>I decided to try to get someone's attention
<br/>I sure hope that is ok.
- MAX - Posted on Saturday, March 4 2006 10:53:00 AM
Hi Savvy its me The Shadow_knows..I see livve is gone for good..what about our lifetime membership money we paid? you can email me at <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><img src="" alt=":zz:" title="zz" longdesc="" height="23" width="25" />
- anonymous - Posted on Friday, August 19 2005 05:28:00 PM
<div class="cquote"><div class="codeHeader">anonymous wrote:</div><blockquote> is back online... I should have known they wouldn't just simply shut down without warning us . But it makes you wonder why it happened the day that the rumors predicted it to close.
<br/>I for one am jusrt haPpY its back
- btrpaso - Posted on Thursday, August 18 2005 11:56:00 AM
WE ARE SO BORED WHERE IS LIvVE?<img src="" alt=":hm:" title="hm" longdesc="" height="19" width="19" />
- anonymous - Posted on Monday, May 15 2006 05:16:00 AM
Ahhhh....Luvhockey here...aka chatcat...I so miss Livve and the friends I made. I moved on and moved across the country hahah...Jon u rock..Cyn I still type at your pretty ass, others...dang my canadian friend kimmie..I miss u!
<br/>hockey is good this season..CMAN...I miss you. - we all move on - I'm not sure where livve went or where its' going..but I hope others can move forard. Hey Atilla...hope your doing well.
<br/>Miss u all <img src="" alt=":)" title="smile!" longdesc="" height="20" width="20" />
<br/>Luvhockey <img src="" alt=":)" title="smile!" longdesc="" height="20" width="20" /><img src="" alt="8)" title="mad laugh" longdesc="" height="28" width="28" />
- anonymous - Posted on Monday, May 15 2006 05:22:00 AM
I"m replying to you because I also paid for gamespy backgammon - ran a tourney...not to mention I paid for livve..I didn't pay for mplayer but I was there also. I'm sorry. I lost money myself....gamespy had even charged me after 3 years. I hope all is well with you and good luck in your future internet invasions. I use myspace so I can watch my kids and have one of my own...I can see exactly what they are doing <img src="" alt=":)" title="smile!" longdesc="" height="20" width="20" /> - John Mellencamp rocks <img src="" alt=":)" title="smile!" longdesc="" height="20" width="20" /> come to Tahoe <img src="" alt=":)" title="smile!" longdesc="" height="20" width="20" /> u have a free place to stay <img src="" alt=":)" title="smile!" longdesc="" height="20" width="20" />
- FestiveWarrior - Posted on Thursday, March 2 2006 03:53:00 PM
- It is not coming up for me. or my friend in england or my friend in ohio. Or my friend in Canada. Or my friend in Washington State
- anonymous - Posted on Thursday, August 18 2005 07:20:00 PM
<div class="cquote"><div class="codeHeader">anonymous wrote:</div><blockquote>I heard closed the doors for good as of August 17th 2005. What in heck do we mplayer/LIvVE folks do now? I do know there is no accessing LIVvE or or livve via the web ( backdoor ) <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ........... we got nothing but rumors warning us. Now we have to find our friends again like when mplayer closed. At least mplayer gave us 5 or 6 months advance notice. Livve just went offline with no warning. The rumors had been going around every since it was opened so nobody paid any attention to it.
<br/>(I was a charter member of Livve since Dec 2000 )<img src="" alt=":disgust:" title="disgust" longdesc="" height="19" width="19" /></blockquote></div><br/>
<br/>i'll believe it when they down for a week. i remember they were down for a while before, maybe it was a couple days
- anonymous - Posted on Monday, March 6 2006 05:24:00 PM
OH! I DO! I DO!!
<br/><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>)
- anonymous - Posted on Thursday, August 18 2005 11:17:00 PM
Well! Im not happy i think you (the owners) owe the members an explianation. Such a horror story and its getting old. We all use to wonder what lifetime membership ment? Now tell me what did it mean? At least I think you should post so we dont sit here with a thought it may come back. Why would we ever believe it would come back. I dont know with thiefs in the dark like you. As for my friends you can find me on .As Marianne. Also i am on MSN, yahoo, paltalk. Although i dont frequent yahoo or paltalk. <img src="" alt=":love:" title="love" longdesc="" height="29" width="22" />
- anonymous - Posted on Friday, January 13 2006 08:39:00 AM
<br/>IF YOU HAVE BEEN A CHARTER MEMBER OF LIVVE SINCE DEC. 2000 - WE NEED TO TALK IF YOU HAVE TIME - EMAIL ME AT <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a> - I have a few questions about this Livve company.
- btrpaso - Posted on Thursday, August 18 2005 11:56:00 AM
WE ARE SO BORED WHERE IS LIvVE?<img src="" alt=":hm:" title="hm" longdesc="" height="19" width="19" />
- BattieChick - Posted on Saturday, July 12 2008 08:31:00 AM
LivVe went poof over 2 weeks ago. It doesn't look good for LivVe to be coming back up this time. Can't even go to
It was my internet crib (home) while it lasted.
I'm bummed but this too shall pass.
- Lisa_Girl - Posted on Tuesday, July 29 2008 03:28:00 PM
- As many of you know Livve has shut their doors. Many members of livve have moved over to PCO Paradise Chat Online. They have free video, audio and games including their Spades, and nightly events. CALENDAR OF EVETNS FOR PCO: PCO SPADES: PCO MAIN WEBSITE: This is a great site that has been around for about 2 years now. Very friendy members and the support staff here is top-notch. There is always somebody online and there to help and assist.
- masterofmind1969 - Posted on Sunday, August 3 2008 06:36:28 AM
- Livve site was up for a couple days they will have the service running soon. Livve hasn't closed yet I don't think. We have to wait a few weeks I guess.
- roamershaker - Posted on Thursday, September 11 2008 04:39:48 AM
- yes i have tried without luck to log to livve so now i will go to paradise chat
- MoM1969 - Posted on Thursday, September 11 2008 07:17:18 PM
IF you're banned from paradise chat you can still get in if you change your ip first. Then install a program called virtualbox
Then you simply install windows then install paradise chat within virtualbox and you will get in. Works every time.
- MoM1969 - Posted on Thursday, September 18 2008 06:08:02 PM
Livve is suppose to be up and running soon here is what i read when I went to the site:
LIvVE Move Progressing
last update: September 17, 2008
The move of all LIvVE and 4Anything services to our new systems at our new location continues, and we hope to have the LIvVE service up by September 22nd, with all other components transitioned by the end of the month.
All accounts will retain their full balance of any unused subscription time remaining at the start of the move, and will accrue additional time for all payments made during the switchover.
- OTD-Zeus - Posted on Thursday, September 25 2008 02:09:16 AM
- Still not up go to friendly staff try to populate it, and very mplayer style interface so far, no flash player garbage.
- Thunder - Posted on Thursday, September 25 2008 03:07:38 PM
oo thanks Zeus for that nice post yes we do try and put our members first its not about the cash or power it about a nice friendly chat network!
the new patch is allmost done so please stick around check out the our product!
windows xp and vista compatible so you dont need to worry about athing just download, install and go! :)
- MoM1969 - Posted on Thursday, October 2 2008 11:37:27 AM
- LOL Livve is still not running. Poor scoobies missing all the attention. I can hear Tom whine right now. hahaha
- LiVvEAddict - Posted on Thursday, October 16 2008 09:48:10 PM
- does any 1 have ANY information about LIvVE? the message posted on the site on September 17 2008 is now get nothing when u go to the site...i am addicted...i need LIvVE!!
- Fpath - Posted on Thursday, October 16 2008 11:23:42 PM
As I said before ..if you dig you will find out that Livve is no more! they suffer from Licensing issues. All it takes is a server connection and the software loaded and you have livve back online. but it seems it's not that i said do some digging. Licensing can be a b!tch I'm afraid hamster and others are leading you on.
get your own livve
- LiVvEAddict - Posted on Friday, October 17 2008 01:35:27 AM
- sorry i've seen the Fpath flash junk & i don't like it...some 1 buy LIvVE & get it up & running again!!
- Fearfactor - Posted on Friday, October 17 2008 03:11:54 AM
Think Different…Take Action!
Stanley H. Greene is a seasoned professional with over 20 years of experience in helping large corporations and small businesses reach their full potential. He has improved operational and financial results for companies in cable TV, telecommunications, TV programming, and the Internet. In May, 2007, Mr. Greene was appointed President and CEO of Sprinturf; a leading U.S. based artificial turf company. Prior to his appointment at Sprinturf (2004 to 2007), Mr. Greene consulted a small portfolio of companies, acting as each company’s CEO or senior officer. These companies include SCC Financial Solutions, TelVue Corporation and 900AM WURD radio.
From 1997 to 2004, Mr. Greene turned an imploding dot-com into a profitable venture as President & CEO of (now LIvVE, Inc.); created the Philadelphia area’s first all news cable network as President and COO of Tri-State Media (acquired by Comcast); and turned a struggling music video network around as President of The Box-USA (now part of MTV). From 1994 to 1997, Mr. Greene served as a Vice President of Bell Atlantic Corporation in charge of various projects, including total quality management, competitive response and video services. Mr. Greene was Vice President and General Manager of Greater Media’s Philadelphia, Pennsylvania cable system in 1993. At Greater Media, he launched an innovative “a-la-carte” cable programming package and successfully negotiated pay-for-performance incentives over seniority based compensation with the company’s labor union.
From 1990 to 1993, Mr. Greene was General Manager and later Vice President for Lenfest Communications’/Suburban Cable’s Delaware County cable system. During his tenure, the system moved from number eleven to number two (out of thirteen cable systems) in profitability. Prior to 1990, Mr. Greene held positions of increasing responsibility in telecommunications management. In addition, he hosted a weekly money management radio program; created 60 second money management vignettes (for radio) and wrote financial columns for The Philadelphia Daily News (with Harry Gross) and The Philadelphia Tribune.
Mr. Greene currently serves on the Board of Directors for Sprinturf, based in Wayne, Pennsylvania. He also serves on the Board of Directors for Public Broadcasting affiliate WHYY in Philadelphia, the Eastern Technology Council in Wayne, PA, and the Synthetic Turf Council, based in Atlanta, GA. In the past, he has served on numerous Boards including the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine, the Pennsylvania Cable Television Association (PCTA), and the Delaware County (PA) Chamber of Commerce.
Mr. Greene is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania and has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of the National Association for Minorities in Cable (NAMIC).
As for Fpath i do not think Stan or Livve needs no server.
When they do have one its a Server not a House in call.
Just Give Livve time These Guys are very Smart and no.
They are not to Get no ones Money that is no Option.
Just if a Few that ran software so called was as Smart as This Man Stan Greene.
- Fpath - Posted on Saturday, October 18 2008 01:42:46 PM
Stan is real smart.. remember the "Meet and Greet with Stan" where he asked everyone to go to pal talk and other places to get members nad he would give you a free account if they paid for a lifetime membership $100.00 a pop. Well I was Tech then for live on the business side..that was a complete rip off and his last huraaaa.
How much money do you think he made off lifetime memberships @ the meet and greet with Stan.
Life time membership at a place that no longer exist. And after that if you mentioned another service in chat you would get banned what a double standard and shows the crook in the mist.
- Fpath - Posted on Saturday, October 18 2008 01:53:03 PM
By the way Fpath is not "flash" lol it's created on the same engine as Livve live is ported for linux servers and Fpath is ported Windows servers.
Fpath is just an allternitive and a way to start your own community and have complete control.
I loved Mplayer and the gamers but gamespy has put a grip on that software its just not the same.
- LiVvEAddict - Posted on Monday, October 20 2008 03:06:05 AM
- Geezzzz...I'm sick of having Fpath shoved down my throat. I've been to several Fpath sites & they SUCK! Fpath can't even compare to LIvVE! If they do indeed have licensing issues as you stated then give us some proof of what your claiming because all I see is some 1,probably an owner of an Fpath site or the software, trying to promote Fpath & bashing LIvVE to do it.
- Digg - Posted on Monday, October 20 2008 03:08:37 AM
- uhhh fpath is not the "same engine" as Livve. FPath software was designed by a Russian programmer for a man here in the U.S. by the name of Steve. FPath and LiVVE are NOTHING alike in design and only have a few similarities in functionality. What's even worse is I'm defending Livve and I don't even like Livve....Sigh
- Fiddlah - Posted on Monday, October 20 2008 11:34:40 PM
- You have to hand it to Stan Da Man.....He's as crooked as they come evidently...... maybe he's writing the whole program "Livve" off as a loss and waiting on a bail out check from Barny Frank or Chris Dodds or even better osama oooops I mean obama * sorry ~NOT!
- Digg - Posted on Tuesday, October 21 2008 11:43:40 PM
- ^ Wow what an ignorant post. Must be from redneck sleep with your sister country. Lame, go grow a pair before you come back here trying to insult people.
- Fiddlah - Posted on Wednesday, October 22 2008 02:11:20 AM
- Yo Digg, I did not insult you personally, until now, ya dumb fuck! I guess you dont give a shit about the dozens of people I personally know that have lost real money from Stan.... and the way you seem not to give a shit either means you are stan, himself or simply a liberal fuck who just likes to play Robin Hood and spread the wealth around, Fucktard!
- Digg - Posted on Wednesday, October 22 2008 04:54:13 AM
- I'm not Stan by any means as I don't think Stan would respond to this since he made all that money. I also don't like Livve and hope it stays down. As for being Robin Hood, I'm not, people work hard for their money...unless you're a CEO these days or in the stock market....hedge funds for the loss yeah. I can tell by your uneducated post though that you feel the need to shame conservatives by making poor cracks at liberals. Negativity gets you nowhere in this world.
- playswstrangers - Posted on Thursday, October 30 2008 07:07:24 AM
- Well, I miss livve, I miss the timed games in spades. I hope it will return as the choices are fairly limited for timed playing.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Tuesday, November 4 2008 06:26:19 AM
Fpath software is joke. It's a big joke, most of the sites than ran off the fpath software is closed down. Avpod, gone after a few years. Paradise chat will probably be next. BYF will probably stay alive because of livve is currently down.
Fpath software does haven't the same engine as Livve. For god sakes fpath runs on flash. Livve was written with VB not flash crap.
BYF is a joke. All the previous users that used to be there years ago are all gone. These were decent people not bunch of hating, ego driver, drunks and pill poppers!
- Digg - Posted on Wednesday, November 5 2008 12:56:21 AM
- Actually FPATH runs off of Delphi, but the "games" are all flash based. Eitherway, it's still crap as you said. Most of the FPath sites will either come down or succumb to user #'s. The software simply wasn't designed for more than 100-200 users maximum (this coming from a server admin and programmer.) Unfortunately that Mplayer-fusion is also in Delphi and will suffer the same problems FPath did. Your best bets are to wait it out for one of the other services or suck it up and go to yahoo games/pogo...etc.
- Thunder - Posted on Thursday, November 6 2008 12:25:45 AM
Digg please do not post such posts about our system suffer the same problems as FPath!. we are not fpath we do not use there software our code is pascal yes (but is not same code), however we are soon to be converted into c# we are making progress and are taking our time to make sure we give a good product at the end ...
and I must allso add we are not out to take over or to be the best chat site, we are simply working on a project ....
- Digg - Posted on Thursday, November 6 2008 09:20:51 PM
If you're talking for MPFusion, then you must be mistaken. I've seen some of your code and it most definitely was in Delphi at the time. I'm not saying it's identical to FPath, god knows that's horrible if it were, but...
The dev for MPF is clearly looking at some of the opensource delphi projects for voice/video just like fpath did. If you need further proof, I can provide links to your code snippets....I don't mind. The failure I think MPF will have is that its not designed for clusterability. That specifically means that there aren't several servers working together, but a single server application running multiple lobbies, which would be bad....very bad.
If you need proof though, I don't mind providing it.
- Digg - Posted on Thursday, November 6 2008 09:31:02 PM
I decided to provide a sliver anyways. I'm such a nice guy.
procedure TMainServer.JoinRoom(rSocket: TCustomWinSocket);
rbl: integer;
rblist: string;
showmessage(dat[0]); // your name
showmessage(dat[1]); // lobby
showmessage(dat[2]); // room
showmessage(dat[3]); // connections }
- Thunder - Posted on Friday, November 7 2008 12:39:49 AM
my sumone been looking on!
your wrong my friend yes client is coded in pascal(delphi) however we are in process are recoding full system in c# ..
and we know about the server that is why we have split server into sand along files for each process ...
the system will not be fpath and will not becoded like fpath! ;) ..
hell even are crap code now is more upto date then fpath would ever be, fpath is coded in delphi 7 using out dated components that dont really support vista we fully redone our client and server in the new delphi 2009 giving it alot more structure and stability for both xp and vista.
but anyways were not here to cry and to say who is better so on! were just building a product were not trying to be the best ....
- Thunder - Posted on Friday, November 7 2008 12:50:48 AM
but why not give yourself a plug check out :)
and am waiting for the pisstakes on the spelling allso because you and fpath are all alike fighting one and other and putting other sites down! to try and get users ...
i have not once posted crap about anyone elses chat sites am not here to do that am allso a member on other sites and i dont even plug my program on there, mpf is a small project its not the next big thing its just afew friends having fun building a chat system so stop putting us down and bitching about us! .........
end of the day we all got our sites and programs and i really dont care about anyone elses site i got my own problems and i dont want to come on here and seeing crap posts about our hard work being like other programs when were not ...
sort your selfs out and leave our product and site out of your little wargames! ....
thank you
- Digg - Posted on Friday, November 7 2008 05:10:06 AM
- If you think I'm with mplayerlive, you should recheck some of my posts, I bash them as well. Like I said, you're all crap in my opinion until someone shows me something. Get your facts straight haha.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Saturday, November 8 2008 04:00:14 AM
Are you kidding? Mplayerlive? they banned most of the people off there because some old hag lying about people starting crap. I was one of the first ones to get banned for ignore this crazy old lady.
MPL even had people pay for a site that voice chat didn't even work yet! All the paying members are gone.
Th owners of the site. lied they said they would discuss complaints before banning people but they did exact opposite. The owners believed a fat liar over the innocent people. Mplayerlive and BYF are on the same boat.
Paltalk kicks butt. They have over 60 000 users per day. But I usually find it boring there. For chat I go to irc and for games I go to pogo.
Heck even VVC is an eye sore full of drunks and druggies.
- Digg - Posted on Saturday, November 8 2008 07:14:36 AM
- ^ Finally someone that sees what I'm talking about. All the chat services failed, and the fact that you guys go on and on about your shitty sites with our shitty software blows my mind. There was enough junkware on the internet pre-Windows XP, we don't need any more Post.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Saturday, November 8 2008 08:23:37 AM
It's not just the crappy software but poor management on the sites. This is why most of these sites fail.
- Thunder - Posted on Sunday, November 9 2008 07:31:24 PM
well were not trying to be best or anything were just building a chat system me and afew mates thats all but if people use and like it then that is cool but its just abit of fun ...
just please dont say were like fpath or any other site because were not! its unfare to brand us the same when our system is not fpath and as for being a single exe server thats a thing of the past like i says were not fpath we work on our system we updated and improved our system to run in xp and vista we allso do not run from just one exe here a sample!
of our video and login server software, we are still very much in alpha but our software is allready better then most systems out there but were not trying to be best were just building a chat system around the items we would like in a chat program ...
- Digg - Posted on Monday, November 10 2008 04:49:12 AM
- Aside from your front-ends looking like old vb6 apps, I can't really say a whole lot, because you aren't open yet. I'll reserve my judgement till then. You'll want to watch that MPath name taking as that's still trademarked through gamespy. Also, I find it kinda....lame that you guys decided to go mplayer-fusion after mplayer-live had the mplayer- idea first. I'm not saying you guys are anything alike, but seriously where's the originality. I wish you all the best of luck, but I think fpath, this software, and mplayerlive all kinda suck as potential gaming services. If its not a gaming service, then disregard my comments.
- Thunder - Posted on Monday, November 10 2008 10:09:30 AM
yes we may change our name! and as for mpath that is just the current build ID not product name! in real software it will not say Mpath
were not a gaming site just yet! were more working on the chat side of things ....
- jakethesnake - Posted on Monday, November 10 2008 10:17:01 AM
- thunder according to avg your client has a trojan I just downloaded it and tried to install. I am not going to take my chances with infected software :S
- Thunder - Posted on Monday, November 10 2008 11:24:42 PM
runing AVG free? my host will now allow me to upload infected files as it scans the files as am uploading so thats impossable maybe upgrade AVG or get a better scanner ;)
i may i suggest
much better!
- Digg - Posted on Tuesday, November 11 2008 01:26:22 AM
- Sophos says the same thing, trojan found. Can't install till its clear.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, November 12 2008 10:04:59 PM
Opps I am running Nod32 is better than microtrend :P
Anyways I won't be ever going there if you dont even know the client has a trojan how do I know you'll infect with dll or even a root kit!
I'm gone for good from there :P
- Thunder - Posted on Thursday, November 13 2008 03:09:48 PM
must be just you two!
as norton 360, Sophos, trend, and my host online scanner says its clean
maybe read message sure it not just saying IT MAYBE A TROJEN as its trying to access the internet like most chat programs do lol link me a screen shot of the message on your scanners!
so i can check on it but on my pc its clean my on bro pc is clean and the other members we have allso say its clean so just looks like its you two hehe but like i says reply with a screen shot of message so i can look into it maybe just a setting!
- jakethesnake - Posted on Friday, November 14 2008 12:26:39 AM
Naw when I tried to installl it that's when a window popped up saying it's a trojan. There is no mistake. I'll report it to google and firefox as a dangerous site!
- Digg - Posted on Friday, November 14 2008 04:53:12 AM
- I'll post a screenshot of it as soon as I have some time. Mind you mine is from a the most recent version of Sophos so yeah.
- Digg - Posted on Friday, November 14 2008 04:54:03 AM
- Actually I'll post it as soon as your site decides to work again. It's been down all day from 2 different ISPs. But I'll still get you the SS as soon as its back up.
- Thunder - Posted on Friday, November 14 2008 12:51:41 PM
ya we moved to our real name and site :) allso forums are now active at
ya i use the most upto date version 2.5 and it says its clean so i dont know why yours is saying it i allways scan my files and my host allso scans the setup as its being uploaded and that pas's there check...
- Digg - Posted on Friday, November 14 2008 10:17:22 PM
Wait..wasn't there a fantazia chat from the uk or something. This is the same guy right, Simon? What happen to the original vs. now? Also, your new site doesn't have a download link.
- Thunder - Posted on Saturday, November 15 2008 11:43:00 AM
never kiss and tell here link
server offline untill i sort afew problems and if you like to see sum screenshots here link
allso keep checking for updates and news!
- jakethesnake - Posted on Tuesday, November 18 2008 12:17:19 PM
- I just scanned your client with trojan hunter. It didn't detect any trojan.
- Thunder - Posted on Sunday, November 23 2008 12:24:49 PM
am still waiting on the screen shots from digg and other person to fix this bug .....
new update is out for download at
no trojens or virus ... if you do get any messages please read it carefully it maybe just to warn you that client is trying to access the internet! witch it needs to :)
- Digg - Posted on Monday, November 24 2008 07:46:13 AM
- I just downloaded the updated one and no msg this time.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Tuesday, November 25 2008 03:17:09 PM
If you want to use free vpn for browsing or chat program get hotshield. It is free and it's easy to use. It does block torrent downloads though.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Saturday, November 29 2008 04:14:36 PM
- I see I can log on to the server now.
- Fpath - Posted on Tuesday, December 2 2008 02:08:27 PM
- Thunder - Posted on Tuesday, December 2 2008 04:16:16 PM
no its not dan! and were not hackers ......
Please sort your information out before posting messages like that ...
- Digg - Posted on Tuesday, December 2 2008 10:53:19 PM
- Fantazia chat is run by Simon of the Fantazia chat uk deal not that long ago. Same players, just a different time.
- kingCobra - Posted on Tuesday, December 2 2008 11:50:51 PM
i cant believe people in what they say about different chat programs and say things that are not true
I own Fantaziachat also the web url and have programmers that do the development of the program so please dont make statements unless you know them to be true
- Thunder - Posted on Wednesday, December 3 2008 12:19:04 AM
agreed! king, sum people think there know it all when really there dont know anything! and there need to keep there bussines to them selfs and stop posting messages that are not true maybe if you lot used the program you would know who runs it but i guess that would be to much work its.
and its so much easyer just to post any old crap and hope people believe it!
here abit of history was started by me SIMON! back in 1999 long before any other chat site like fpath, mplayedlive and the long list i can not be asst to type.
i closed fantaziachat not be cause of hackers or crap like that it was down to money/family problems at the time the site was a good place it had over 2000 registerd users for being a basic text chat system that was really good at the time....
I have alot of good memorys on that site and I made alot of new friends
fantaziachat is not hackers.
fantaziachat is not script kids.
fantaziachat is not out for cash or to rip people off.
fantaziachat is just a simple chat system being made by afew mates.
so if your not apart of it then please do not post about our site or program because you just dont have a clue!
here abit of history was started by me SIMON! back in 1999 long before any other chat site like fpath, mplayedlive and the long list i can not be asst to type.
i closed FC not be cause of hackers or crap like that it was down to money/family problems at the time the site was a good place it had over 2000 registerd users for being a basic text chat system that was really good at the time....
I have alot of good memorys on that site and I made alot of new friends
fantaziachat is not hackers.
fantaziachat is not script kids.
fantaziachat is not out for cash or to rip people off.
fantaziachat is just a simple chat system being made by afew mates.
so if your not apart of it then please do not post about our site or program because you just dont have a clue!
- un4givenchat - Posted on Saturday, December 6 2008 10:12:42 AM
Are you ready for the revolution of new chat?
Flash chat is here.Gchats Visichat is a live video chat community that connects you with people
from around the world. Connecting is easy with public and private chat rooms. With breakthrough
video and voice technology which gives you a real and natural experience.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Saturday, December 6 2008 11:06:58 PM
Hacker? fpath owner used to steal accounts livve when a user signed up on fpath. If the user used the same user name and password as livve.
fpath programmers hacked a user on BFY.
Can we say hackers? LOL
- Digg - Posted on Sunday, December 7 2008 12:08:42 AM
- Someone should tell that users don't like flash chats too much in this community, nor do they like flash anything at this point haha. Good Game
- jakethesnake - Posted on Sunday, December 7 2008 04:42:25 AM
- is fpath software. BYF uses it also but they also use clients.
Fpath software is going down hill.
- Digg - Posted on Sunday, December 7 2008 07:13:05 AM
- Nah it's not fpath, but its flash driven and still crappy. Fpath is coded in delphi and about worthless outside of its niche market
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Tuesday, December 16 2008 06:45:45 PM
I just wanted to comment on some of the statements made by Jake regarding BYF. First of all BYF is not Fpath software and has no "client" side.
Secondly nobody has been hacked by anyone from Fpath. These are completely false statements. BYF has upgraded to a new and better software to better serve our customers.
There is no spyware, malware or anything of the sort. If you have any doubts, simply run a scan on your pc then come visit our site and run another scan.
We are a totally clean site with a lot of good people and growing everyday.
We offer a high quality chat site that is completely FREE to everyone. I think Jake should do his homework before slandering other sites and possibly creating civil liability against him.
If you are looking for a great chat site with a growing number of "friendly" users we invite everyon to join us at
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 17 2008 12:27:00 AM
duh it is hard to scan and find a hidden trojan. Especially custom made modified trojan. scanning is useless with it comes to exploits.
Also I found byf client that is fpath software, I could even log on and get into the lobby. I guess you were too busy wacking off to porn.
Flash is a huge exploit and just asking for trouble especially on windows.
Keep what's left over of Livve users on there, really don't want to see them on any other sites. Trash belong your site keep them there they are good for feeding your ego :P
- Digg - Posted on Wednesday, December 17 2008 01:52:14 AM
- If there is anything you have to download, it has a client-side. Anything FPATH related, the client would be client-side. FPATH is NOT Flash, it's written in Delphi, but it's still shitty. Your password is stored in a text database in plain text, so if one of these site's admins decided they really didn't like you and you used your main password for most're in some big trouble.
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Wednesday, December 17 2008 11:14:24 PM
You must have Fpathphobia. We DO NOT USE fpath period. We use a flash program. You did not log into our old Fpath server because it has been down for months since we upgraded. There is no download period. Perhaps you should think before you type. No wonder livve had to shut the doors. I hope nobody is listening to this guy. He has no clue what he's typing LOL.
- Digg - Posted on Thursday, December 18 2008 09:13:32 AM
- If it is indeed flash, well people have a flash-phobia after the recent string of exploits available through it. Don't get me wrong, flash is awesome for generic little games and advertisements, but as a client platform....not so much.
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Thursday, December 18 2008 05:12:13 PM
Actually we didn't buy it for games we bought it for chat. I looked for over a year for software like this. The features are the best I have been able to find. It allows users to voice and cam in the main rooms as well as pagers. Upload pics to their profile. Make and submit videos for public viewing, submit pictures in the main lobby and much more.
6,663 users have registered names in the past 2 months, many more have logged in as guests and we average over 900 logins a day. The numbers continue to grow.
As for the gammers, we are currently building a spades and gammon game to compliment the site.
If they are looking for the "small flash games" to play online we have over 1,500 at
If they are looking for download games we have 1000's at
We invite everyone to come visit us at
- jakethesnake - Posted on Saturday, December 20 2008 11:05:57 PM
- Keep on dreaming txcowboy...seriously I have only seen no more than 30 people on your site. I guess you attract the perverts that talk dirty to underaged children. I guess you're really proud of that LOL
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Sunday, December 21 2008 04:38:26 PM
Right Jake, and I use Fpath too right? And you logged in a sever that doesn't exist too right? And everyone has Trojans that the major virus companies software can't find. Etc Etc Etc.
I think I know why Livve had to shut the doors down now. Probably from Marc allowing people like you that act more like paranoid schizophrenics suffering from hallucinations run the place.
Anyways I'm done with you now. I see you can't hold a debate on an adult level and you just type to see your text, because you are totally lost and seem a tad angry.
People shouldn't lock their kids in closets!
Merry Christmas All
- RainMan - Posted on Monday, December 22 2008 08:17:45 PM
Wow this bringyourfont sucks. I hate flash chat sites. I went there and there was no ways near the amount of users the owner claimed.
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Monday, December 22 2008 10:55:58 PM
Last updated: Dec 22 01:43 CST
Yesterday's traffic 922 Visits
Traffic this month 18067 Visits
Traffic last month 27189 Visits
Oct 2008 6702 13172 214634 988275 9.36 GB
Nov 2008 12276 27189 426640 1766298 15.21 GB
Dec 2008 8509 18067 298833 1338915 12.74 GB
Total 27487 58428 940107 4093488 37.30 GB
Day Number of visits Pages Hits Bandwidth
01 Dec 2008 799 13944 64734 786.24 MB
02 Dec 2008 716 12287 50258 422.97 MB
03 Dec 2008 810 12321 54800 454.83 MB
04 Dec 2008 762 12540 55630 524.19 MB
05 Dec 2008 843 15008 59001 771.81 MB
06 Dec 2008 692 11014 44693 487.14 MB
07 Dec 2008 693 11955 55681 605.33 MB
08 Dec 2008 893 13006 67164 589.43 MB
09 Dec 2008 858 15218 60955 594.49 MB
10 Dec 2008 732 14334 61557 575.58 MB
11 Dec 2008 906 14279 62827 638.23 MB
12 Dec 2008 964 14495 60613 579.30 MB
13 Dec 2008 961 14273 62851 573.99 MB
14 Dec 2008 950 15837 78615 725.72 MB
15 Dec 2008 1117 14982 72492 677.68 MB
16 Dec 2008 899 16072 76150 695.01 MB
17 Dec 2008 869 15041 71986 638.94 MB
18 Dec 2008 828 15935 71156 635.07 MB
19 Dec 2008 821 15514 72439 697.40 MB
20 Dec 2008 966 14681 67574 682.69 MB
21 Dec 2008 922 14988 62656 634.58 MB
Got a calculator?
- Digg - Posted on Monday, December 22 2008 11:14:38 PM
- It should be noted that page visits mean nothing when a large portion of those could be and are likely web crawlers and other such scripts. Better numbers would be the number of registered users vs. total users online at several random sampling times. I'm definitely not on anyone's side on this, but I'm will to bet money the actual usage numbers are pretty low.
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Tuesday, December 23 2008 01:19:24 AM
/visichat/ 17413 2.41 KB 5323 538
Thats the login page. 17,413 logins since Dec 1.
Not much guessing work there just statistical facts generated by Awstats used by most websites.
- RainMan - Posted on Tuesday, December 23 2008 07:06:23 PM
Login doesn't mean crap there I have seen people lose connection or get booted off the server. This is frequent for some people for some reason so the amount of logins doesn't say squat.
If there was that many logins there would be more than 30 people on the server at anytime!
Bringyourfont used to use fpath software that's for sure. :P
And until recently there was still the client which you can connect to but it not there anymore I guess :P
- RainMan - Posted on Tuesday, December 23 2008 07:17:06 PM
The real proof is the number people logged on the site. I don't even see 100 users ever! LOL
You can make up all the numbers you want that doesn't mean crap!
Ever heard of bots? duh
You can have bots log in to your site and then log out too. So that doesn't mean a whole lot. According to your so claimed numbers your site should be busier than Livve ever was but that's not the case.
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Tuesday, December 23 2008 08:28:37 PM
WOW That's a lot of bots and disconnects!
If you have any comments with merit let me know.
Hope You Get To Feeling Better Soon!
Have A Very Merry Christmas.
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Tuesday, December 23 2008 10:44:59 PM
I wouldn't bet real money on that thought!
I think the real proof is in the pudding on the stats.
Since you seem to have your doubts about the traffic reports, I pulled out some stats from Awstats, just for fun.
Due to differences in search engine algorithms, competition with millions of other sites and other reasons I have geared Bring YOur Font to rank in Yahoo.
Here's a very small list of search phrases we can be found in yahoo on. Try them for yourself and see us on Page 1 on yahoo for them.
These results may vary depending on where you live because of the way the engines cache and rank sites.
1. free chat sites (1 - 10 of 237,000,000 for free chat sites)
2. local chat rooms (1 - 10 of 34,700,000 for local chat rooms)
3. free adult chat (1 - 10 of 115,000,000 for free adult chat)
4. free local chat rooms (1 - 10 of 25,600,000 for free local chat rooms)
5. free online chatting sites (1 - 10 of 156,000,000 for free online chatting sites)
6. local chat (1 - 10 of 371,000,000 for local chat)
7. adult chat rooms (1 - 10 of 23,200,000 for adult chat rooms)
8. chat free (1 - 10 of 1,140,000,000 for chat free)
9. free local chat (1 - 10 of 203,000,000 for free local chat)
10. chat sites (1 - 10 of 430,000,000 for chat sites)
11. pinochle online (1 - 10 of 1,050,000 for pinochle online)
12. online pinochle (1 - 10 of 1,050,000 for online pinochle)
13. local chatrooms (1 - 10 of 21,800,000 for local chatrooms)
14. adult chat room (1 - 10 of 51,800,000 for adult chat room)
15. local chat rooms free (1 - 10 of 26,200,000 for local chat rooms free)
16. adult chatrooms (1 - 10 of 18,500,000 for adult chatrooms)
17. free adult chatrooms (1 - 10 of 16,200,000 for free adult chatrooms)
18. free adult chat sites (1 - 10 of 43,000,000 for free adult chat sites)
19. free cam chat sites (1 - 10 of 18,600,000 for free cam chat sites)
20. teen chat sites (1 - 10 of 41,200,000 for teen chat sites)
21. adult chat sites (1 - 10 of 48,000,000 for adult chat sites)
22. free teen chatrooms (1 - 10 of 13,300,000 for free teen chatrooms)
23. free live chat sites (1 - 10 of 97,700,000 for free live chat sites)
24. free video chat sites (1 - 10 of 146,000,000 for free video chat sites)
25. free chat room sites (1 - 10 of 45,400,000 for free chat room sites)
These chat phrases are a very small inference to the overall phrases that we can be found on, in Yahoo, for bring your font.
According to Awstats, there are currently 1885 different keyphrases we rank in, people have typed in yahoo, found us, then clicked our link.
Bring Your Font was designed to rank in Yahoo and MSN. We have other chat sites geared to rank in other engines such as Google.
They are all tied back to the stat generator, by design, which generates the actual stats I gave you.
Regardless of the number of people logged it at any given time is irrelevant to the actual traffic stats we get, that you dispute.
We are a "free" chat site, thus the total number of people chatting at one given time is not important to our over-all objective, since we don't charge them.
Objective hit: SEO, ranking, ecommerce, marketing
The chat program exists because that's the product we are marketing. No more no less. It really wouldn't matter if we had 0 users, inside the chat program.
Our main objective is traffic numbers on the site to make our money via other means, down the road, once we finally get where we want to be. (And we have a LONG way to go)
The "actual usage" is infact unique users with different ip's and not script and/or search engine bots.
Infact, there are currently only 15 different bots/scripts visiting the site.
Also, Awalts only logs 1 ip per visit, so your theory would be impossible. (like I said don't bet real money on it)
Robots/Spiders visitors (Top 25) - Full list - Last visit
15 different robots* Hits Bandwidth Last visit
Yahoo Slurp 624+252 4.91 MB 23 Dec 2008 - 12:42
Unknown robot (identified by 'spider') 208+75 1.48 MB 23 Dec 2008 - 12:42
Unknown robot (identified by hit on 'robots.txt') 0+202 4.24 KB 23 Dec 2008 - 06:09
Googlebot 174+22 1.36 MB 23 Dec 2008 - 06:07
Unknown robot (identified by 'crawl') 133+51 1.16 MB 22 Dec 2008 - 22:57
Unknown robot (identified by 'bot/' or 'bot-') 117+26 1.22 MB 23 Dec 2008 - 03:28
MSNBot 82+31 534.92 KB 22 Dec 2008 - 21:25
Unknown robot (identified by 'robot') 71+41 814.47 KB 23 Dec 2008 - 11:17
Ask 24+15 273.61 KB 22 Dec 2008 - 23:18
Alexa (IA Archiver) 28+10 267.74 KB 2
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 01:05:52 AM
haha my feelings.
Dude search ranking doesn't mean anything. So what if people visit a site? hahaha
Only thing real is number people registered and number actually on your site. so what people log onto your site and never come back again.
Yeah hurt my net feelings! :)
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 03:26:24 AM
Sorry to hurt your ego dude. I see your sensitive.
That might be true if your man objective was to charge users to use the chat service. We do not charge. The more users the more drama and problems and it doesn't put one dime in our pocket.
Take a marketing class and run the advertising contract ratios based on traffic (for internet) and viewers (for tv). Good luck
Perhaps you could ask EA games why they pay millions to gamespy to advertise on their site.
Perhaps you would learn why it costs millions to advertise during the superbowl.
It's all about the traffic. Chatters mean nothing.
P.S. 7,190 registered users in the past 9 weeks. unregistered guests unkown
Happy Holidays Dude
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 01:41:55 PM
LOL My ego, don't I need one first?
You keep on smoking whatever you're smoking.
Yes it's true for some sites it's about traffic, repeated traffic to game sites. You want them to come back. Anyways there is nowhere's near your numbers claims. If I was wrong then you wouldn't even have replied to me. What's point would you try to show proof? Like Digg said it's highly unlikely those numbers are real. You can post all the stats until the sun doesn't shine it's not going to do any good.
I seen you lifted your ban. My friends were like wtf why can't I get in? LOL
Merry Xmas and Happy New years
maybe you'll hurt my ego next year :)
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 03:51:39 PM
fantaziachat ROCKS
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 04:11:42 PM
- LOL at that site. I went there and was going to download the beta client until I saw where people are complaining it has a trojan. That's almost funny. NO THANKS!
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 04:30:59 PM
Better than bringyourfont which uses flash, big time exploits! BYF hacks people without them knowing!
aww did i hurt your net feelings? hehe
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 04:36:06 PM
Better than bringyourfont which uses flash, big time exploits! BYF hacks people without them knowing!
aww did i hurt your net feelings? hehe
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 04:36:54 PM
flash cookie
bad bad bad
good enough reason not to use flash for chat
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 04:38:50 PM
Better than bringyourfont which uses flash, big time exploits! BYF hacks people without them knowing!
aww did i hurt your net feelings? hehe
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 05:09:36 PM
Now I know why you guys are so angry. Aren't you the same ones that had Mplayerlivve that failed?
I was told you asked a fpath site owner to beta test that software months ago. I saw the screen shots.
If that's the same software you would be better off buying fapth with the source code because that beta software that I saw will never fly.
No wonder you're so angry. I would be too.
Good luck with that, but I think your wasting your time.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 05:25:24 PM
A little over 24 hours ago a new exploit for the latest versions of Adobe Flash Player started being seen in the wild. All versions of Flash are affected and so far Adobe has been silent -- not providing a patch (or any thing else).
The trouble with this exploit is that is is already very wide-spread and Flash is just about the most ubiquitous software at UCSD. There is a Chinese group hacking tens of thousands of websites via SQL injection to insert malicious iframes. This group has started to use this Flash exploit in their iframes which has given the exploit very high exposure. Because of the wide exposure it isn't safe to avoid exploitation by only visiting websites you trust -- we've even had UCSD websites compromised by this group.
Here are a few ways to reduce/eliminate your exposure until Adobe releases a patch:
* Completely uninstall Flash
This is 100% effective and is what I recommend you do.
Heck with flash!
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 05:34:17 PM
Oh yeah we're angry because we think your site is crap. hahaha
I guess I better punch the wall.
go have your steak and potatoes dude :P
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 05:40:15 PM
Why do I have feeling you're next post is going to say THE SKY IS FALLING..THE SKY IS FALLING. lol
Keep it real dude.
Just go buy Fpath and get it over with because that software you have is junk.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 06:06:04 PM
thanks for the good laugh. :)
I guess that's your Christmas present from you to me lol
Naw I don't want to run a chat site. No need
Happy New years too.
I haven't laughed so hard in a long time thanks :P
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 08:37:15 PM
No here's your Christmas present. I took a minute to read the article you posted regarding the adobe flash vulnerablities.
1. The article was dated back to way back to May
2. The author submitted the following:
All the Flash exploits though are written for Flash 9 and won't work on Flash 10 without serious modification -- something isn't likely to happen.
3. Adobe fixed the vulnerability with version
4. Adobe flash is required for 1000's of applications. If people didn't use it they wouldn't be able to use any of these applications.
5. People write new virus's everyday. Should we all log off the net over it?
6. Next time try to publish something current where there's a actual problem. Where's the beef? lol
- jakethesnake - Posted on Wednesday, December 24 2008 11:59:47 PM
LOL Don't be hater Jay.
You are such a puppet. You are way too easy.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Thursday, December 25 2008 12:00:31 AM
LOL Don't be hater Jay.
You are such a puppet. You are way too easy.
- jakethesnake - Posted on Saturday, January 3 2009 09:37:23 PM
- Bringyourfont must be down. I am hearing from people they can't get it working lol
- TxCowboy4U - Posted on Monday, January 5 2009 07:17:54 PM
Poor Jake
Try turning your pc on.
- bwatters - Posted on Wednesday, January 14 2009 01:40:14 AM
I still use AVpod sometimes. Its hard to find people on there though. Has anyone here used it or heard of it?
url is
- jakethesnake - Posted on Thursday, February 12 2009 03:29:11 AM
LOL nobody goes to avpod.
Oh btw Jay learn how to spell "friends", on your site you have it spelt "freinds" hahaha
- PCO_DAWN - Posted on Monday, August 30 2010 06:10:04 PM
Hey can I get a drink in this place??? all this he did , he said, flash this flash that.
Than again maybe a drink in this place can be dangerous lol
waves just letting you know pco has not closed like you all thought we did :) alive and well, I might be a little more crazzzyy and insane after 5 years, but we stil here :)
signs my name in pencil in case i wanna erase it :)
- The_Carhauler - Posted on Wednesday, January 5 2011 12:28:31 AM
- Livve has been down to damn long for me !!